Day 20 of 30 Days to Healthy Living: Seeing Results

**I am currently on Arbonne's 30 Days to Healthy Living program. I don't trust myself that I won't cheat (really, how long can I go without coffee??) and to hold myself accountable, I am forcing myself to sit down each day and tell my day as it was.***

(For Days 14-19 check out my instagram page)

Today, I was asked by a several people how my cleanse is going. Well... Denying myself chocolate and coffee has become habitual behavior. I feel better in my body --- there is less pain and aches. I look more fit and my clothes sit on me better. My emotional state is more state and I am not getting caught in mood swings. My hair looks fuller too and doesn't get greasy as fast. And most important, my husband has commented that I am happier. 

Hmmmm...I guess this 30 Days to healthy Living programs is working for me!

However, any one living their life would know, tomorrow can be a whole different story. There is no guarantee for routine when you are moving through this world, interacting with people, visualizing big dreams, and have the audacity to try to make them come true. Tomorrow I start the Arbonne Essentials 7-Day Body Cleanse. This is a Proprietary Superfood Antioxidant Blend that helps detoxify the system by aiding in the gentle elimination of toxins while supporting the gastrointestinal tract.

Let's see how this goes.