Lesson From 2021 to Bring into 2022

Sometime in the beginning of the year, 2021 whispered in my ear “Grab a pencil to take some notes cuz...” and then it swept my legs out from under me.💥🤯💥
From my ass-on-the-ground position to getting back on my own feet, I learned:
✨Letting go sometimes means resigning myself to the truth rather than how I want it to be.
✨Grief, no matter that every person will experience it, is isolating. That taught me empathy.
✨No matter how smart, sexy, clever, talented, insert adjective you are, there’s no guarantees that someone will like, love, or appreciate you. Be you FOR you.
✨Get rid those people who suck in your life or who suck your life. Don’t waste your energy feeling bad about it either.
✨My biggest believer sleeps beside me every night. Cherish those people who love you when the masks come off.
✨Self-validation is like singing a love song to your soul. Dive into those passion projects without a care if another person ever even knows you did it.
✨Don’t make anyone more important than they make you. (children excluded)
✨When life puts you on the bench: rest, observe, reflect, and grow. But make sure to get back in the game.

I’m super grateful for all the lessons and I’m walking into 2022 more sure-footed and grounded than I have been in a long, long time.