Day 5 of 30 Day Cleanse: What the Heck You Doing, Kimi?

Tea and Computer

**I am currently on Arbonne's 30 Days to Healthy Living Detox cleanse. I don't trust myself that I won't cheat (really, how long can I go without coffee??) and to hold myself accountable, I am forcing myself to sit down each day and tell my day as it was.***

My mom asked me what I was eating for 30 Days -- "Everything!" I exclaimed! (Except gluten, dairy, corn, sugar, soy, coffee, white potatoes...). She was happy to hear I had a big bowl of pasta for dinner and was actually eating solid foods. I think she envisioned me juicing for 30 days.  Naw, not this girl. This cleanse is about detoxing -- getting rid of the allergens in my body, how to make better health choices, and feel great while doing it!

My whole life I have had sensitive skin. I always say "I don't get sick. Instead I get rashes and lumps (that need to be surgically removed)." I have had lumps removed from my side, my breast, my uterus, and there is one on my leg. I think it is food and environmental allergens -- my body is not eliminating and detoxing properly. And between us, I do not want to be cut into again.

Here is what my business colleague, Robin, said:

"Your body has natural detox mechanisms but like any system can become overloaded and stop working efficiently.  Through our environment, personal care products, and the food we eat, most of us have 200+ toxic chemicals in our system at any given time. In order to protect your organs, your body works for you by pulling toxins away and storing them in fat cells. This places major strain on your system and negatively impacts your ability to maintain a healthy weight.

Even if you eat well, you are still bombarded with environmental toxins every day. Detoxing cleans out the body and allows you to divert needed energy to burning away fat and sustaining your physical and mental energy throughout the day, every day."

And today I was totally energized! I haven't had coffee withdrawal headaches and I am afraid I am jinxing myself by saying that. I drink the Energy Fizz Sticks provided by Arbonne first thing in the morning and LOVE them! It helps that the weather is warmer and I am not craving a hot drink...but there is green tea for those days. (Yes, I still miss cheese.)